Summer Tango Workshops

organised in collaboration with

MIT Club of Northern California and Stanford Peninsula Alumni Group

Taught with pointers from dance pedagogy, science & philosophy to make tango easy, interesting & fun to learn!

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Tango Foundations - I
(for beginners)

Tango foundations - II
(for intermediate beginners)

Intermediate Tango - I
(for intermediate dancers)

Sundays, June 9th to July 14th
Palo Alto

Beginner Friendly

No previous dance experience is required

No partner needed

Just show up. Partners typically rotate

Open to all ages

Make friends from different backgrounds

Comfortable Attire

Dress comfortably. Dance shoes are recommended

Tango Foundations - I

6 Sundays led by Karn Verma with TAs

Time: 12:45 to 2:00 PM
Dates: June 9th to July 14th
Venue: 1680 Bryant St, Palo Alto

Prerequisites: No previous tango or social dance experience required.



6 week series, Sunday afternoons, 12:45p
Feeling Flow studio
1680 Bryant St, Palo Alto.

Embark on a captivating dance adventure with this series designed especially for individuals with no prior dance experience or recently minted tango dancers.

And, get ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Argentine tango and unlock the secrets of this compelling dance. Combine your learning with a flow concept every week to add another dimension to your learning experience.

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Karn, founder of Feeling Flow, has taught at Stanford's Bechtel International Center, Jikoji Zen Center, Friday Night Waltz, and the Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto. He led the first MIT-CNC and Stanford Alumni workshops and hosts community classes and world-class artists at Tango Saturdays. Teaching tango since 2017, Karn blends engineering and meditation into his philosophy, making tango easy and fun. Inspired by Richard Powers and mentored by Pablo Veron, you can hear from his students at

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    Tango Foundations - I with
    Karn & TAs

    • Six 75 min lessons
    • Six special Tea & Tango Practica
    • Discounted "catch-up" lessons for missed weeks

    Tango Foundations - II

    6 Sundays led by Karn Verma & Mila Salzar

    Time: 2:45 to 4:00 PM
    Dates: June 9th to July 14th
    Venue: 1680 Bryant St, Palo Alto

    Prerequisites: Tango Foundations I or equivalent experience



    6 week series, Sunday afternoons, 2:45p
    Feeling Flow studio
    1680 Bryant St, Palo Alto.

    Move onto the next stage of tango foundations with six new figures that relate to and build upon the ones covered in Tango Foundations - I. During this series great care and emphasis will be given to mastering of the basics and finding the natural flow of your dance.

    Gain a deeper understanding of the psychological state of Flow by learning and applying concepts from physiology, eastern aesthetics & meditation

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    Mila Salazar, a Bay Area resident, is a dancer, teacher, and choreographer deeply rooted in Tango. Working in Dance Movement Therapy, she explores its physiological and psychological dimensions. With a passion for sharing Tango's magic, she aims to expand its horizons beyond tradition, having met her partner through tango and raising her daughter in the dance.

    Karn, founder of Feeling Flow, has taught at Stanford's Bechtel International Center, Jikoji Zen Center, Friday Night Waltz, and the Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto. He led the first MIT-CNC and Stanford Alumni workshops and hosts community classes and world-class artists at Tango Saturdays. Teaching tango since 2017, Karn blends engineering and meditation into his philosophy, making tango easy and fun. Inspired by Richard Powers and mentored by Pablo Veron, you can hear from his students at

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      Tango Foundations - II with
      Karn & Mila

      • Six 75 min lessons
      • Six special Tea & Tango Practica
      • Discounted "catch-up" lessons for missed weeks

      Intermediate Tango - I

      3 Sundays led by Diego Lanau & Alejandra Saravia

      Time: 4:15 PM to 5:30 PM
      Dates: Jun 30th to July 14th
      Venue: 1680 Bryant St, Palo Alto

      Prerequisites: Tango Foundations I & II or equivalent experience required.



      3 week series, Sunday afternoons, 4:15 PM
      Feeling Flow studio
      1680 Bryant St, Palo Alto.

      If you've taken your first steps into the world of tango and are hungry for more, our three-week series, is the perfect next step in your journey. Designed specifically for those with Tango Foundation Series (I,II and or III) or post-beginner-level tango experience, this mini-series is here to guide you deeper into the enchanting rhythms and beautiful movements of tango.

      Revisit foundational flow concepts from the view of two great teachers and in relation to three exciting new figures.

      Check Syllabus & Register


      Diego Lanau and Alejandra Saravia of Argentina launched their dance partnership in 2019 and have since been traveling across the US and internationally to teach and perform.

      Alejandra started to dance ballet and practice gymnastics at the age of four. Tango became a central part of her life in 2008 when she began studying with world-renowned teachers in Buenos Aires.

      Diego has been a student of tango since the late 1990s. He has since participated in numerous tango competitions, taught and performed throughout the US and Europe, and is a former tango competition judge at different events in the US.

      Check Syllabus & Register




        Intermediate Tango - I with
        Diego & Alejandra

        • Three 75 min lessons
        • Three special Tea & Tango Practica
        • Discounted "catch-up" lessons for missed weeks

        Contact Us

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