Intermediate Tango - I

If you've taken your first steps into the world of tango and are hungry for more, our three series, is the perfect next step in your journey. Designed specifically for those with foundation series or post-beginner-level tango experience, this program is here to guide you deeper into the enchanting rhythms and passionate movements of tango.

Three Sundays, Jun 30th - July 14th
4:15 to 5:30PM
1680 Bryant Street, Palo Alto

the embrace.jpeg

El Abrazo

El Abrazo, tranlates to "the hug" or the embrace. This lesson invites you to explore foundational tango figures in embrace of the Salon, Nuevo, and Milonguero styles of tango. This allows you to select your preferred expression while mastering effective communication. Delve into the integrated or elastic embrace, smoothly transitioning from open to close to Milonguero style, enriching your dance with dynamic versatility"

Flow concept: Connection

Registration Sep 2nd, 2023


Executed akin to the illustration by street dancers, the Gancho, or 'hook,' mirrors the music's drama with a touch of dynamic finesse. Contrary to appearances, these figures are more approachable than they seem, inviting you to flow with dynamism in your dances.

Flow Concept: Stages in Learning

Registration Sep 30th, 2023


Captured beautifully by the artist and executed just as illustrated, the Enganche, also known as the leg wrap, unveils an elegant movement. Here, the follower gracefully envelops her leg around the leader's, infusing the dance with intimacy, playful dynamics, and occasionally a dramatic denouement.

Flow Concept: Trust Emergence

Registration Oct 7th, 2023




    Intermediate Tango - I with
    Diego & Alejandra

    • Three 75 min lessons
    • Three special Tea & Tango Practica
    • Discounted "catch-up" lessons for missed weeks